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Prices updated as of 2021-Jan-08.

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Latest Products

Rx Fax - No visit

Fax Refill

Total: $20.00
Sales price without tax: $20.00
Tax amount:
Price / kg:

Weight Management Extension

Extension after Trial

Total: $1,467.87
Sales price without tax: $1,299.00
Tax amount: $168.87
Price / kg:

Weight Management Trial

3 Month Trial

Total: $892.70
Sales price without tax: $790.00
Tax amount: $102.70
Price / kg:

Complete Physical Exam (Non-OHIP)

Complete body check. Annual physical exam.

Total: $175.00
Sales price without tax: $175.00
Tax amount:
Price / kg:

Womens Health Exam (Non-OHIP)

Gynecology history and physical.

Total: $140.00
Sales price without tax: $140.00
Tax amount:
Price / kg:

Prenatal Obstetric Care Consultation (Non-OHIP)

Pregnancy care and referral for OB.

Total: $175.00
Sales price without tax: $175.00
Tax amount:
Price / kg:

Medical Navigator Service (Hourly)

Medical Navigator Service (hourly rate)

Total: $226.00
Sales price without tax: $200.00
Tax amount: $26.00
Price / kg: