Land Acknowledgement

Regarding the current day place at Tkarón:to, Onitariio, Kanata.


Our clinic is physically located on a part of land in the North York region. We serve a community that lives on this surrounding land. We want to recognize that this land belonged to the original first inhabitants, the First Nations people, who lived, worked, had families, built communities, and cared for each other's health and the health of the land. We, as newcomers to this land, recognize that the settlers that came before us took the land, broke the Treaties they made with the Indigenous peoples, and benefitted the colonial society which eventually became the Canada we now all live in and call home, at the expense of the First Nations. This is the history we inherit as Treaties people. So we acknowledge and remember the injustice that occurred. We repay honour to the founders of this Land on which we operate, and recognize that it is a privilege to share this place with the First Nations who have a long and varied history of language, knowledge, values, spirituality, and culture that inform us as we take care of each other and this Land together.

We would like to acknowledge that we are on the traditional territories of the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishaabe peoples, whose presence here continue to this day. We also would like to acknowledge that this is the treaty lands of the Mississaugas of the Credit and we thank them and the other Indigenous peoples for sharing this land with us.

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