Why Enrol with a Family Doctor at Get Well Clinic?

We started Get Well Clinic with an idea that people should be able to see a family doctor when they need to in our community. We have been open to walk-ins since the beginning. However, we are transitioning to becoming a Family Health Organization. This means better care for our rostered family medicine patients. Please read more if you want to know how this might affect you and the importance of enrolling with a Get Well Clinic family doctor soon instead of remaining a walk-in only patient.


Walk-In Clinic medicine is limited

If you are a walk-in clinic patient only, you are not assigned a family doctor. You may only come for simple, quick, episodic care. If you are stuck and do not have a family doctor, the walk-in may be your only choice for refills to managing your chronic conditions. Although we may help you briefly, we encourage you to keep looking and commit to a family doctor.

  • intermittent, episodic care (deal with the medical consequences, not the original cause)
  • no continuity of care
  • not assigned a family doctor
  • no choice in which walk-in doctor you see
  • limited walk-in time availabilities
  • no routine preventative care such as complete annual physical exams, routine PAP tests
  • no disability, tax, passport forms
  • no referrals to specialists on demand (you come for an assessment and treatment by our walk-in doctors, not to get a referral)
  • we may close the walk-in clinic in the future


Family Medicine is Comprehensive care

If you get a chance to enrol and commit to a family doctor at Get Well Clinic, please do so quickly. Once the doctor is full (usually within a few months), the opportunity may not be available for a long time. Family doctors may also stop seeing walk-in patients, so the walk-in doctor you were familiar with may not be available to you anymore.

  • comprehensive head to toe, birth to death care
  • continuity of care
  • longer, relaxed appointments
  • telephone calls
  • access to after-hours care
  • priority scheduling
  • preventative care maintenance included (physical exams, women's health exams)
  • access to innovative family medicine care services continually developed at Get Well Clinic
  • access to some funded interdisciplinary health services


What does it mean to Enrol and Commit to a Family Doctor?

When you are accepted in the family practice of one of our family doctors, you sign an Enrolment Form and Agreement to roster with us. This means an actual committment from you, and breach of your committment could result in being discharged.

  • You agree to see only your designated family doctor first for any medical care. (Unless it is an emergency, please go immediately to the hospital ER.)
  • You agree not to go to any other medical clinic, including other walk-in clinics near your home, or online virtual care apps. (Unless you are travelling, then seek necessary medical care closest to you.)
  • If your family doctor at Get Well Clinic is unavailable, the front desk will assign you (temporarily) to see one of the other doctors who is part of our medical group and is covering for your family doctor.
  • As a last resort if the above options are not available, you may come to our Get Well Clinic Walk-In and see any of our other physicians.
  • You agree not to make it a habit to see one of the other doctors in the group. Please return back to your designated family doctor for regular followup.
  • You agree to be honest, truthful, open and courteous in your communication with you family doctor. This is a relationship for life. We do not appreciate hurtful comments online if you are dissatisfied. Speak with your family doctor and our clinic management first.


Why do we insist on patients not going to any other walk-in medical clinic?

Our family doctors are transitioning to a Family Health Organization. This is a reorganization of our approach to providing family medicine care, meaning we will be able to take more time in each appointment to look after your concerns without feeling rushed. We also plan ahead to look at your whole life and work to keep you healthy so you will not develop other health conditions and complications.

  • We provide the continuity and access so you will have better health care. You information is collected and stays in our system, so our family doctors know what happened to you.
  • Our family doctors get financially penalized by the government every time you go see another family doctor in another clinic. In other words, our family doctor has to pay the other doctor for seeing you. Keep your own family doctor happy, and make sure they don't lose their salary.
  • A family doctor is a relationship for life, not a consumer product or service.


If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to speak with your family doctor at your next visit!