If your doctor has advised you to lose weight because of a medical condition, this can sometimes be associated with feelings of denial, apathy, guilt, anxiety, depression or despair. However, since your life depends on changing your current lifestyle, we would like to coach you through the process of living well!
View from a Different Perspective:
Our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings impact our lifestyle behaviours of buying, eating, sleeping, and being physically active. We would like to help you explore these deeper forces that shape your motivations and lifestyle patterns, and hopefully by looking at the process of living healthy with another perspective, you can evaporate some of the barriers that make lifestyle change difficult.
Most Diets Work... For a Time:
Research has shown that many diets help people lose weight in the beginning, but people eventually gain weight again, often because the diets are difficult to follow. We would like to help you custom design a nutrition and activity plan that works for you, for a particular stage of your life, and one that is sustainable. This means that it may change over time, depending on what is going on with your life. There may be setbacks, but the key is to try again. We would like to be there to coach you on this journey, and keep you accountable to the choices you make.

A Journey Together
Healthy living is straightforward to understand, but difficult to execute. You know yourself best. We know how the mind and body works together. We would like to engage in a continual discussion with you on what you have learned (about food, cooking, exercise, work life, family life, psychology, physiology, biochemistry) with what we have learned about the same matters. We work with you to help you understand yourself, how your thought patterns affect your habits, behaviours and choices; and build a custom plan that works right for you.
How Does this Program Looks like?
- Medically supervised and monitored
- Visits with registered dietitian and registered psychotherapist
- Custom designed for your unique situation
- Counselling sessions to explore the psychological aspects of how we live our life
- Medications prescribed or injections for weight loss, if clinically indicated
- Regular “Check-Ins” for coaching and accountability
- Commitment from you to develop a custom plan of mini-changes to eat better and stay active